I can hear you mumbling already. So wait, I can afford it and have the time, but now you’re saying I have to have the right frame of mind to create my dream home!?
Well, yeah. And I mean that with all the emphasis that I can muster.
In my opinion, having the right frame of mind, proper perspective, mindset or whatever you want to call it is more important than having the money and time. Sadly, the scars from the most challenging custom homes over my past 20+ years of building have all come from homeowners who didn’t have the right frame of mind.
Not surprisingly, whenever I talk with my builder colleagues about their difficult projects, it often comes down to this issue.
So let me explain what I mean and why it’s SO important.
The right frame of mind boils down to 3 key characteristics or behaviors - decision making, stress management and realistic expectations. Lets explore each to ensure you have a successful and fulfilling home building experience.

1) Decision-Making: Navigating the Maze of Choices
If you have a tough time deciding when ordering off a restaurant menu, you may not have the right frame of mind. Building a custom home is like being a kid in a candy store, but instead of picking out your favorite sweets, you're selecting the architectural style, layout, and countless other details. It's the paradox of choice – the more options you have, the more likely you are to end up in a bewildered daze, contemplating the pros and cons of doorknob designs.
Imagine standing in the paint aisle, surrounded by a rainbow of possibilities. It's not just about choosing between "eggshell white" and "arctic frost." No, now you're faced with colors like "whispering wheat" and "moonlit mauve." Suddenly, you find yourself longing for the days when the toughest decision was picking between chocolate and vanilla.
Breaking Down Choices
To tackle the decision-making marathon, consider it a game of "Home Building: Level Expert." Start with the basics – the architectural style. It's the superhero cape your home will wear for the rest of its life. Once you've settled on a style, the subsequent choices become the sidekicks, helping to create a cohesive and stylish narrative.
It's like organizing a chaotic closet. Begin by dealing with the oversized decisions – do you want an open floor plan or secret passageways? Then, work your way through the smaller choices, like whether your closet doors should swing open dramatically or slide in like a ninja.
Seeking Professional Guidance
If the decision-making process feels more daunting than solving a Rubik's Cube blindfolded, it might be time to call in the professionals. Architects and designers are the superheroes of the home-building world, armed with knowledge and a keen sense of style. They're like the fairy godparents of design, ready to transform your pumpkin of indecision into a carriage fit for Cinderella.
Collaborating with professionals not only alleviates decision fatigue but also injects a dose of magic into the creative process. It's like having a design wizard whispering, "Choose the quartz countertops, my dear – they're practically indestructible."
Visualization Tools
Enter the world of visualization tools – the Marvel Comics of the home-building universe. Virtual reality simulations and 3D modeling are your superpowers against the evil villains of indecision and uncertainty. With these tools, you can literally walk through your future home before it exists, like a superhero with a crystal ball.
It's like being in a superhero movie where you get to try on different costumes before settling on the one that makes you feel invincible. Except in this case, the costumes are wall colors, flooring options, and kitchen layouts.
Embracing Iterative Design
Remember, the road to the perfect home isn't a straight line – it's more like a rollercoaster ride with unexpected twists and turns. Embrace the chaos with the grace of a trapeze artist. Decisions can be fluid, evolving as the project progresses. It's not a mistake; it's a plot twist in the grand story of your custom home.
In the end, the process is less about making decisions and more about enjoying the journey. So, grab your popcorn, sit back, and relish the show. Decisions are just the supporting actors in the blockbuster film of your dream home – let the creativity unfold, and don't forget to enjoy the comedic relief along the way. After all, every superhero story needs a good laugh.

2) Stress Management: Can You Handle It?
Do you get stressed out when something unexpected happens? Creating a custom home is like planning a surprise party – you're excited, but there's always the risk that someone might jump out too early or fashionably late. Stress management here is about setting realistic timelines while acknowledging that unexpected guests (or construction delays) might crash the party. I’ve said too many times, it’s not if the project hits a bump in the road, but when. Imagine your home as the VIP guest, and construction as the red-carpet event. Now, add some buffer time to your schedule – consider it the velvet rope keeping stress and unforeseen hiccups at bay. After all, even Hollywood events have their fair share of behind-the-scenes chaos.
The Importance of Clear Communication
Effective communication during home building is akin to being a skilled negotiator in a high-stakes poker game. You've got to keep your cards on the table and bluff a little when needed. Regular project updates and transparent discussions are your royal flush against misunderstandings and project mishaps.
It's like sending a memo to your construction team that says, "Communication is key – avoid surprises like you're planning the biggest heist of the century." When everyone is on the same page, it's not just a construction site; it's a well-orchestrated symphony where the only drama is the occasional hammer solo.
Juggling Responsibilities
Managing stress during home building is a bit like juggling – only instead of balls, you've got budgets, blueprints, and the occasional unforeseen monkey wrench. Keep your eyes on the prize, stay nimble, and, if needed, don a metaphorical circus ringmaster hat.
Remember, it's perfectly acceptable to drop a ball every now and then. Just make sure it's not the one labeled "budget" or "structural integrity." Your home is not a circus tent; it's a finely tuned performance, and you're the star acrobat.
Laughter as the Best Stress Medicine
In the realm of home building, laughter magically repels stress. Find humor in the chaos – it's the secret weapon to conquer the relentless deadlines and unexpected challenges. Consider turning your construction site into a sitcom, where the quirks and mishaps become plot twists in the grand sitcom of homeownership.
Picture this: a construction worker accidentally paints the living room walls neon green instead of serene blue. Instead of a meltdown, cue the laugh track. After all, who doesn't want a splash of neon in their lives? It's a conversation starter, a design choice that says, "I embrace the unexpected, and so does my living room."
Mindfulness in the Construction Zone
Amidst the drills and sawdust, mindfulness can help make a stand against stress. Take a moment to appreciate the progress, no matter how small. It's like a Zen garden but with more hard hats. Breathe deeply, channel your inner construction zen master, and remember that every nail hammered is a step closer to your dream home.
In the grand circus of home building, stress management is not a high-wire act – it's a comedy show with a few delightful surprises and a lot of laughter.

3) Realistic Expectations: The Quest for Perfection
Embarking on the journey of creating a custom home can sometimes feel like chasing the perfect wave or an elusive unicorn. You imagine a flawless sanctuary where the faucets never drip, the walls are immune to scuff marks, and the floor has a perpetual mirror-like shine. Spoiler alert: unicorns might be mythical, but so is a flawless home.
Imagine your perfect home as a mythical creature, and you're the intrepid explorer on a quest. However, instead of seeking the fountain of eternal youth, you're in search of the holy grail of stain-resistant countertops. It's a valiant pursuit, but remember, even King Arthur had a few spills at the round table.
Balancing Aspirations with Realities
Creating the perfect home involves walking a tightrope between aspirations and the harsh realities of budget constraints, unexpected challenges, and the occasional quirky characteristic your house decides to adopt. It's like trying to bake a cake without a recipe – you might not get a Pinterest-worthy masterpiece, but it'll probably still taste delicious.
Consider your budget as the Gandalf of the home-building journey, guiding you through the treacherous path of financial decisions. You may not be able to afford a chandelier made from the tears of unicorns, but a well-placed pendant light can still cast a magical glow over your space.
Embracing Imperfections
Perfection is overrated anyway. Embracing imperfections is what transforms your home from a sterile showroom into a cozy haven with character. It's the crack in the Liberty Bell, the leaning tower of Pisa – these quirks tell a story, and so will the unexpected twists in your home-building saga.
Picture this: you install a door that creaks like a haunted mansion every time it swings open. Instead of reaching for the WD-40, embrace it. Consider it a built-in security system – no one will sneak up on you. It's a feature, not a flaw.
The Unpredictable Magic of Home Building
Your home isn't a stock photo; it's a living, breathing entity with a personality of its own. Accepting that the path to perfection is more like a winding road with a few potholes and speed bumps can liberate you from the shackles of unattainable ideals.
Think of your home as a canvas waiting for the unexpected strokes of the paintbrush. Maybe a stray brushstroke creates a beautiful accent wall, or perhaps it's just a happy accident. Bob Ross would be proud.
The Goldilocks Principle
In the tale of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Goldilocks sought perfection in everything – the right bed, the right porridge, the right chair. But perfection is subjective, and what might be just right for one person may not be for another.
Apply the Goldilocks principle to your home – find the balance that's just right for you. Your home doesn't have to be a showroom; it just needs to be comfortable and uniquely yours. If the chair is a little lopsided, call it "ergonomic."
Laugh in the Face of Perfectionism
Just as laughter was the best medicine for stress, it's also the antidote to the poison of perfectionism. When the walls aren't perfectly straight and the tiles aren't flawlessly aligned, embrace it. Throw a housewarming party and make a game out of finding the quirkiest feature.
In the grand epic of home building, perfection is the dragon you don't need to slay. Instead, let it morph into a friendly house cat – a little finicky, sometimes aloof, but ultimately a beloved part of the family. After all, who wants a perfect home when you can have a home perfectly imperfect?

Conclusion: Crafting Your Home, One Quirk at a Time
Embarking on the whimsical journey of creating a custom home demands more than a realistic budget, architectural blueprints and a sturdy foundation; it necessitates the right mindset. As we navigate the labyrinth of decision-making, juggle the stressors of construction chaos, and grapple with the elusive idea of perfection, it becomes evident that the true magic lies in embracing the imperfections and quirks that make a home uniquely yours.
Decisions, often daunting, are not hurdles but stepping-stones in this grand adventure. With the paradox of choice at play, consider your choices as the colorful characters in a choose-your-own-adventure novel, each contributing to the unfolding narrative of your dream home.
Stress management becomes a high-stakes comedy show where unexpected twists and turns add flavor to the construction chaos. In the midst of budget battles and unexpected surprises, laughter emerges that wards off stress and transforms your construction site into a stage for a construction comedy blockbuster.
Perfection, the unicorn of the home-building world, may be elusive, but who needs perfection when you can have a home that tells a story? Balancing aspirations with realities and embracing imperfections turn your home from a sterile showroom into a cozy haven with character. Your home isn't a stock photo – it's a canvas waiting for the unpredictable strokes of the paintbrush.
In this grand epic of home building, the conclusion is not a finite end but a celebration of the journey. Decisions, stress, imperfections – they are not obstacles, but threads woven into the tapestry of your home's unique narrative. So, relax in the front row, and enjoy the show. Because, in the end, it's not just about building a home; it's about crafting a story, one quirk at a time. Cheers to the joyous adventure of making a house a home!