When you consider the countless hours that will go into your dream home, using a custom home interior designer is often what brings the project all together. Many homeowners have the misconception that custom home interior design ideas should come after the home is built. Well, here’s a little story that can share why this may not be the best path to success.

In the beginning…
Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, there lived a brave couple named Bob and Mary. They had a daring dream, a dream to build their own custom home from scratch. They envisioned a place where unicorns would roam freely, and the air would be filled with the scent of cotton candy and freshly baked cookies. Little did they know their journey to this custom dream house would be sprinkled with chaos, confusion, and a fair share of design disasters. That is until they discovered the magical power of an interior designer. But maybe I’ve jumped ahead too far in our story. Gather around, dear readers, as we unfold the epic saga of Bob and Mary’s custom home and the indispensable role of their interior designer.
Dreamy Vision and the Harsh Reality
The stars of our story, Bob and Mary, had a vision. They envisioned their custom home to be a sanctuary of elegance, comfort, and sophistication. Little did they realize that bringing this vision to life would involve more than just picking out a few pieces of furniture and slapping on a coat of paint. They soon found themselves drowning in a sea of swatches, floor plans, space plans and endless Pinterest boards. The dream was slowly fading away. Bob and Mary needed a hero, and they needed one fast. Someone who could rescue them from indecision and the clutches of selection board despair.
Enter the Interior Designer
Just when Bob and Mary thought that all hope was lost, a mystical creature known as an interior designer appeared on the scene. With a flick of their magic wand, the interior designer swooped in to save the day. They listened to their dreams, understood their desires, and translated vague notions of a ‘cozy living room’ into tangible ideas. Suddenly, Bob and Mary’s vision started to take shape and they were no longer lost in a labyrinth of design choices.

Timeout From Story Time
Well, this story is just too perfect. Think we need a quick sidebar to answer a few fundamental questions.
Why Hire an Interior Designer? Well, the story certainly describes the many decisions that you as the homeowner will have to make, so that enough should suffice an answer. Yet, many still feel they can go it alone. An interior designer will assist with the many finish selections that need to be made and coordinated. They will contribute to the floor plan design by understanding your heirloom furnishings and other possessions (e.g., art, hobbies) that need to be considered during the custom home design.
How to Choose an Interior Designer? Your custom home builder may have an in-house designer or can recommend designers that they have worked with. This may be a very good place to start. If not, you can narrow down a list if potential interior designers by visiting the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID). Another tool is Houzz where you can search for designers and view the work.
When to Hire an Interior Designer? Let’s do a quick analogy to illustrate how an interior designer can help. Say you’re in the market for a luxury boat or vehicle. Once you determine the brand, model, and trim, you don’t wait until the boat or vehicle is completed to determine the colors or options. These are all selected upfront during the design before you finish the purchase. The same is true for your custom home. An interior designer should be involved from the very beginning.
Back to Our Story – Interior Designer Saves
Bob and Mary were bailed out of several poor decisions throughout the process. Here are some of the ways their interior designer really helped.
Trials & Tribulations: As we know, building a custom home is no walk in the park. There are countless decisions to be made, from choosing the right flooring to selecting the perfect light fixtures. Without the guidance of their interior designer, Bob and Mary would have found themselves making countless questionable choices. He once accidentally ordered a neon pink sofa, thinking it was a ‘vibrant shade of coral’. Thankfully, his designer intervened, saving him from a living room catastrophe that would have made even the bravest souls cringe.
Art of Space Optimization: One of the interior designer’s many superpowers is the ability to optimize space. They can magically transform a tiny nook into a cozy reading corner or turn an awkward corner into a stylish storage solution. Bob and Mary marveled at how their designer could make every square inch of their custom home functional and fabulous.
Battle of the Budgets: Ah, the dreaded budget battle – a challenge faced by every aspiring homeowner. Bob and Mary initially thought they could save a few pennies by tackling the design process on their own. Little did they know that their attempts to DIY décor would lead to budget blowouts and a house filled with mismatched furniture that seemed to clash like opposing armies on a battlefield. Enter the interior designer, armed with knowledge of cost-effective solutions, discounts and insider tricks through years of experience. With their expertise, Bob and Mary not only stayed within budget, but also managed to splurge on a few luxurious touches that turned his custom home into a palace fit for royalty.

The Grand Reveal
After months of hard work, endless design decisions, and a roller coaster of emotions, the day of the grand reveal arrived. Bob and Mary’s custom home had been completed and once they had moved into their masterpiece, they realized that it had exceeded their wildest dreams. As they walked through the beautifully curated rooms, they couldn’t help but marvel at the magic that the interior designer had woven into every corner. The colors, the textures, the layout – everything was perfect. Bob and Mary felt like they were living in a fairy tale, and they owed it all to the incredible expertise of their interior designer.
Conclusion: Happily Ever After
And so, dear readers, our epic sago comes to an end. Bob and Mary once were lost souls in a the vast world of custom home construction. Now they have found their happily ever after with the help of an interior designer. Together they turned his dreamy vision into a reality, proving that when it comes to building a custom home, the guidance of a skilled designer is not just a luxury but a necessity. So, the next time you find yourself embarking on the adventure of building your own home, remember the lessons from this tale and let an interior designer be your guiding light. Who knows, your custom home might just turn out to be a fairy tale come true, complete with unicorns, cotton candy, freshly baked cookies, and a whole lot of style!